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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x13 Suivant
Diffusé le : 06/01/2010
After seeing Sawako and Ryuu together, Kazehaya rushes up to Sawako and pulls her away, leaving Kurumi behind. Kazehaya then confirms with Sawako that she doesn't like Ryuu, while Sawako has just realized that she really likes Kazehaya. Kazehaya asks her what she thinks about people going out as girlfriend and boyfriend, which shocks her so much that she cannot answer properly. Later, Ayane finds out that Kurumi was the one who spread the rumours. Ryuu then shows them the note written by Kurumi, which confirms that she set Sawako up. Ayane and Chizuru go to find more evidence against Kurumi, who is in the meantime waiting for Kazehaya to return. Pin arrives at the equipment room and comes to the conclusion that Kurumi has a crush on him, and rejects her just as Kazehaya arrives. Ayane and Chizuru confront Kurumi, who will not admit to wrongdoing, but when Sawako arrives, Ayane tells her outright that Kurumi was the one who spread the rumors. (
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