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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x12 Suivant
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Diffusé le : 23/12/2009
Kurumi tells Sawako to talk to Ryuu and maybe she'll realize something. Sawako doesn't really understand that Kurumi wants her to separate from Kazehaya, but she says she will still talk to Ryuu. During the softball game Sawako can't keep her eyes off Kazehaya, which makes Kurumi angry as she thinks she is the only one always watching Kazehaya, so she leaves. Kurumi then starts her plan by planting a note asking Ryuu to meet Sawako at the sports equipment room, where Kazehaya has to go later. Sawako, is told by Kurumi that Ryuu is there, and goes to thank him. When they meet, Sawako asks Ryuu about the feeling of love, which leads him to confess that he likes Chizuru. In the meantime, Kazehaya heads to the room carrying some equipment. Kurumi goes up to him and tells Kazehaya that Sawako has fallen in love with Ryuu, urging him to support their relationship. They see Sawako and Ryuu talking happily together. (
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