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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  2x11 Suivant
Après le festival
Diffusé le : 30/03/2011
With the school festival finally over, Sawako leaves home to go to an after the festival party. She meets up with Kazehaya and they continue walking to the party. When they get there they find Joe reenacting all of the details from when Sawako and Kazehaya confessed to each other. Everyone is saying that Sawako got Kazehaya with black magic, but Kazehaya immediately clears up that misunderstanding. After the party the class goes to the beach, where Kento pulls Kazehaya aside and tells him why Sawako was crying the other day. Pin also pulls Sawako aside to ask her if she told Kazehaya about her secret feelings. Kazehaya walks over and Pin makes him ask Sawako out, but while Kazehaya was at a loss for words Pin shouted "WILL YOU MARRY ME!" causing a misunderstanding on Sawako's part. Kazehaya follows her after she ran off, and she explains that she didn't take it seriously, when Kazehaya thought she did. After that was cleared up, Kazehaya finally asks out Sawako, who accepts, and Sawako tells Kazehaya about her secret feelings. Ayane, Chizu, Kento, and Kurumi are watching from above. The next day in school everyone has heard about the confession and now that Sawako and Kazehaya are dating. People go up to Sawako, hoping she can help them find boyfriends/girlfriends. In the classroom, Kazehaya tells everyone, under influence by Ayane, that Sawako is his girlfriend. Everything is no longer chaotic, Kento sees how perfect Sawako and Kazehaya are together, and he expresses his feelings in his thoughts that no one would have thought Sawako would win Kazehaya and Kurumi would end up with a broken heart. At the end of the episode the girls from Class A who bullied Sawako find out about Kazehaya and Sawako's new relationship. (
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