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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x10 Suivant
Diffusé le : 09/12/2009
Everyone prepares for the sports festival, especially Chizuru, who coaches Sawako enthusiastically. Sawako happily reflects upon her growing friendship with Kurumi and her increasing awkwardness around Kazehaya. Kurumi purposely tells Sawako how she isn't special because Kazehaya always treats everyone kindly, although Sawako misunderstands this as Kurumi telling her about Kazehaya's good points. Sawako aspires to be outgoing and friendly like Kurumi, but Chizuru tells the story of how she dislikes Kurumi because Kurumi made her help the girls confess to Kazehaya in middle school. Kazehaya and Sawako eventually get to talk alone, but Kurumi interrupts the conversation. Sawako finds out that "Kurumi" is short for "Kurumizawa", so Kazehaya wasn't calling her by her first name after all. Later, Kurumi makes Sawako walk with her confesses that she likes Kazehaya, asking for Sawako's help. (
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