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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  2x06 Suivant
Affection et contrariété
Diffusé le : 16/02/2011
Kazehaya walks out on Sawako and Kento, with Kento grasping Sawako's arms and Sawako crying. Kazehaya asks what Kento is doing, and why Sawako is crying. Three of Kazehaya's friends walk over, to find Kazehaya angry, Sawako crying, and Kento just being there. When the three of them fool around and say that Kazehaya and Kento are both going after Sawako, Kazehaya finally cracks and confesses his love to Sawako. Sawako takes the confession as a misunderstanding and tells Kazehaya that if he says it that way, people will get the wrong idea. Kazehaya finally walks away, and Sawako follows. Kazehaya and Sawako skip class, and when Kazehaya asks her if she likes him, she says yes, but Kazehaya takes it in the way as just being friends and walks off, leaving Sawako alone in the alley. Pin finally finds Sawako, and after Sawako tells Pin that she has been rejected by Kazehaya, Pin tries to cheer her up. Ayane and Chizuru are also looking for Sawako and they have a feeling that Kento was a major part of it. They ask Kento where she is, and Kento says that she's outside by the benches. Kento tries to follow, but is interrupted by Kurumi, who makes Kento tell her what happened. Pin is still outside comforting Sawako, but is interrupted by Ayane and Chizuru. They ask what happened to Sawako, and before Ayane finished explaining something, Chizuru breaks out in tears and tells Sawako that she's being wrong, and Kazehaya is only angry because of the actions that Sawako took. Chizuru finally takes off, Ayane following her. The episode ends with Sawako asking herself if she had really done her best with Kazehaya up until this point. (
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