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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  2x05 Suivant
Celui que j'aime
Diffusé le : 09/02/2011
With the first semester midterms over, everyone's recognizing Sawako for her review session, praising her. Sawako's class decides on having "Sawako's Black Magic Cafe" as their exhibition, using Sawako's herbs to make tea, and having an additional "Ask Sawako" advice booth. Sawako and Kazehaya are still awkward and silent towards each other, which Ayane notices and worries Chizuru. Next day, Ayane goes over to Chizuru's house to help her get ready for Toru's Wedding. The wedding ends without a hitch and Chi solidifies her sibling-like relationship with Toru. Afterwards, Chizuru asks Ryu to follow-up with Kazehaya, feeling guilty about what she said to him. Ryu initially refuses but concedes, saying he would only listen to his problems. Later, Kento approaches Sawako, who's tending to her garden. Back in the cafeteria, Ryu, still keeping in mind what Chizuru said, asked Kazehaya, bluntly, if he had confessed already or not. As Kazehaya's explaining his confusion and worry, Pin arrives, teases him about not having confessed yet and mocks him, telling him to confess to Sawako already. Kazehaya, determined, runs out, searching for Sawako (Pin told him where she was). Out in the courtyard, Kento and Sawako are discussing how Sawako's finally fitting into class (which she hadn't noticed, and shocks her). She receives a mental shock when Kento says that Kazehaya was probably looking out for her because she was an outcast, and since now she's not, he probably wouldn't talk to her anymore, and that he is in love with someone (both not realizing it's Sawako herself). Sawako, distraught, walks away and starts to cry. Kento tries to cheer her up, and ends up asking her out in the flow of things, only to be drowned out by Sawako's thoughts and the arrival of Kazehaya. (
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