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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  2x01 Suivant
La Saint Valentin
Diffusé le : 12/01/2011
It is now the third semester, and after another seating change, Sawako makes friends with the new people sitting close to her, but can't help but feel lonely that Kazehaya is sitting further away from her. The day before Valentine's Day, she makes handmade chocolate for her friends. When it comes to Kazehaya's chocolate, she notices that she has unknowingly favored him among everyone else and becomes very self-conscious. She manages to give everyone their chocolate the next day but still hesitates when it comes to giving Kazehaya his. Various events throughout the day prevent her from giving it to him, such as his acceptance of "Gratitude" chocolate and his rejection of "Love" chocolate. Sawako finally makes up her mind to give it to him after school, but is interrupted by Kurumi, who gives him his "first and last" chocolate from her. Kurumi notices Sawako eavesdropping and tells her that Kazehaya doesn't accept 'love' chocolate, but if it was a 'gratitude' chocolate, he would probably accept it gladly. She calls herself 'a special circumstance' because she had already been rejected by him. Sawako ends up not being able to give Kazehaya the chocolate, as she thinks that her chocolates are too serious to be considered 'love' chocolates. As Kazehaya walks out of school, thinking that he had really hoped on getting something from Sawako. At the end of the episode, a new character, Miura Kento, makes his appearance. (
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