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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
 0x01 Suivant
Amour non partagé
Diffusé le : 05/01/2011
Based on Kurumi's point of view, she retells the events of Season 1; such as her unrequited love for Kazehaya, how she observes him observing Sawako with expressions she has never seen before and how he has changed because of her. She recalls her plot of matchmaking Ryu and Sawako together, and how Kazehaya foiled her plan by taking Sawako away from the scene. She remembers Sawako ultimately giving her the courage to confess her feelings to Kazehaya, and her subsequent rejection. She buys chocolate to give him on Valentine's the next day, calling it "the first and the last", and she imagines what Sawako and her friends Ayane and Chizu, would be doing for Valentine's Day. The episode ends with her exclaiming that she'd bought him the most expensive chocolate. (
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