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The F.B.I.
(Sur la piste du crime)
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Blueprint for Betrayal
Diffusé le : 03/12/1967
Karl Reiman, an Eastern Bloc spy posing as a journalist, has been assigned to seduce Julie Kipp, who works for a U.S. security agency. Reiman's estranged wife shows up, threatening to expose him. Col. Frederic Maas, an official at the U.S. embassy of the Eastern Bloc country, orders the murder of Mrs. Reiman to get her out of the way. The killing brings the FBI into the case. Reiman's mission is to obtain intelligence about what the U.S. would do in the event of a war between the Soviet Union and China ahead of a diplomatic conference in Toronto. Erskine decides to shake things up, hoping to cause his Eastern Bloc opponents to act rashly and to provide the FBI a chance to break the case. (
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