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Hôzuki no reitetsu
(Hozuki's Coolheadedness)
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Le Dîner Des Dix Rois / L'Enfer Des Régimes
Diffusé le : 14/03/2014
When a person dies, they are put on a trial taking place between the Shonanoka (a Buddhist memorial service that takes place on the sixth day after their death) and Sankaiki (the second anniversary of a person's death). On such a trial, the deciding factors were the memorial services and offerings from the bereaved. At the temporary Hell, where the fortunate souls lined up to go to heaven, Hozuki was preaching how they should thank the bereaved for their offerings. Karauri, staring at the sheer amount of offerings on the altar was then ordered by Hozuki to go assist the dinner party for the Ten Kings who passed the judgement for these souls. The Great King Enma indulged himself in an epic food binge, eating the sweets from the offerings and dinner party and at one point, he became so obese that he couldn't even pick up the pen he dropped on the floor. When Hozuki overheard King Enma grumbling about going to a sports gym after work, he planned a bootcamp to put his superior, Shiro, Kakisuke and Rurio back into shape. (
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