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Hôzuki no reitetsu
(Hozuki's Coolheadedness)
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
Peach Maki, Idole Des Enfers / Le Blues Du Bras Droit
Diffusé le : 14/02/2014
Hell Idol Peach Maki was finishing up her gravure photo session at the Sento Farm in Togenkyo and along came Hakutaku in his usual manner. Oblivious of the suspicious shadowed figure up above, Hakutaku handed her a Sentou and began flirting. To her dismay, the shadowed figure turns out to be a gossip columnist who was attempting to get a scandal scoop on Maki who was advertising herself as a "pure" idol. The year is 102014 (Akuma Era). Satan's right hand man, Beelzebub from western hell arrived at Japan's hell. His name was written as "Lord of the Flies". It didn't take Beelzebub long to be shaking with anger as he was treated like a commoner despite him being an elite government official. To make matters worse, he couldn't even get through Hell Airport's inspection and was asked by Hozuki to literally empty his digestive fluids after stating that they were toxic. His patience was at its limit... (
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