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Fuck, That's Delicious
(F*ck, That's Delicious)
Précédent  7x44 Suivant
Diffusé le : 29/07/2024
Action Bronson is taking over the Badmaash restaurant in Los Angeles for this special episode of FTD's Road to the Restaurant. With the help of the Badmaash family, we rolled out an exclusive menu inspiredx by Action’s favorite bites. To start this culinary adventure, we had an appetizer of sujuk croquettes paired with ivar, whipped feta, and stuffed zucchini. For the main course, we had lamb shanks, lahmajoun, and sujuk flatbreads. To finish the meal, the dessert was a whipped yogurt topped with honey, pistachio brittle, and sliced grapes. Thanks to everyone involved in making this possible, enjoy! (
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