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La storia della Arcana Famiglia
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Arcana Famiglia
Diffusé le : 02/09/2012
Felicita used Wheel of Fortune to her Father, Mondo. To change the relationship of The World and her Father. Without knowing that if she use her Arcana power, Wheel of Fortune her memories will be erased. Then Dante rushed into the room of Their Papa to stop Felicita,but It was too late.Felicita used her Arcana power to her father and lost her memories. Nova and Liberta and the members of the family find a way for Felicita to gain her memories back.And Felicita was saved by Nova and Liberta, While Felicita was Walking in the corridor, she heard Jolly and Dante that the relationship of Mondo and the Tarocco card hasn't changed. And Felicta ended advised by her other Taracco card, The Lover. (
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