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Larmes d'un Narcisse
Diffusé le : 01/09/2016
Yukina, Kennosuke and all the others who escaped the attack on the research facility retreat to the school, which has become the new UN's HQ. The entire region is completely isolated from the rest of the world because of the barrier created by Efy Dolgh. That night, the Demon speaks to Kennosuke, Yukina and her mother, revealing to them how he met Yukina's father years ago, shortly before his death from a sudden avalanche. Meanwhile, the Efy Dolgh manage to excavate the hinge stone from the dam's excavation, using the parasited humans as slaves. The stone draws in surrounding heat, cooling the area and provoking a snow storm over Kurobe. Muetta, having finally accepted the fact that she's been cloned, and all of her memories are fake, escapes from the base. While she's searching for Muetta, Yukina collapses in the snow. When Muetta finds her, she and Yukina take refuge in an old house where they're reached by Kennosuke. Muetta reveals to them that the Efy Dolgh are planning to use the hinge stone to create a wormhole between the Earth and its homeland, to enable the main army to storm the planet and subjugate it. (
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