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The Lover
Précédent  1x12
Episode 12
Diffusé le : 25/06/2015
Room 609: Do Shi fails an employment test but Du Ri passes. Du Ri now goes to work and Do Shi stays alone. Do Shi tells Du Ri he is moving out and is going to stay with his mother for a while because of his father’s health. Du Ri suggests getting married but Do Shi refuse. Do Shi comes back and he moves out with Du Ri. Room 610: Yeong Jun is busy with his career but now Ji Nyeo wants him to be with her. Yeong Jun is forced to move out by his manager but he goes back. Yeong Jun fills the marriage certificate and he tells Jin Nyeo about the new apartment. Yeong Jun and Jin Nyeo have a baby. Room 709: Takuya leaves after learned about Jun Jae’s feelings because he too likes Jun Jae but is afraid. Jun Jae goes to Japan and moves in with Takuya. Room 510: Seol Eun is nervous about the upcoming wedding and think Hwan Jong is different from her and they fight. She asks him if he likes her but he doesn’t answer her. Seol Eun marries a foreigner and Hwan Jong is still alone. (
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