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The Lover
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Episode 10
Diffusé le : 11/06/2015
Room 609: Do Shi and Du Ri silently fight with each other. Du Ri loses her phone and brings her old phone. Do Shi sees a man’s photo and thinks she was dating an older man, but turns out, he is her father. Room 610: Jin Nyeo asks Yeong Jun why he likes her. Jin Nyeo takes a pregnancy test and thinks she is pregnant. She think Yeong Jun is young and is afraid of telling him. She keeps craving strawberries and Yeong Jun later understands. Jin Nyeo go to the doctor but turns out, she is not pregnant. Yeong Jun name become the first in search results because of a funny video and he is offered a role in a matchmaking variety show. Jin Nyeo tells him to go but he refuses. Later, Yeong Jun keeps getting variety show roles. Room 709: Takuya asks Jun Jae if he likes him and why. (
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