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The Lover
Précédent  1x09 Suivant
Episode 9
Diffusé le : 04/06/2015
Room 609: Du Ri and Do Shi buy clothes online and all of it looks bad. Du Ri has bad day were everything she does go wrong. Du Ri is sick but tells Do Shi to go to his reunion. Do Shi comes back early because he is worried about Du RI. Room 610: Jin Nyeo buys unnecessary thing and then hits Yeong Jun for wasting money on buying an expensive electronic drum. She then hit him again when he tells her he bought another game as well. Yeong Jun is angry because she buys unnecessary and he cannot. Jin Nyeo meets Seol Eun, and Seol Eun keeps annoying her with her talk about marriage. They then keep competing against each other and keep bragging. However, their boyfriends' embarrass them. Room 709: Jun Jae tries to avoid Takuya because he thinks that they cannot be together. Room 510: Seol Eun forces Hwan Jong to watch a beauty show with her and then put makeup on him. His makeup turns out horrible. (
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