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The Lover
Précédent  1x08 Suivant
Episode 8
Diffusé le : 28/05/2015
Room 609: Do Shi tries to take revenge after Du Ri posted a picture of him online and her friends made fun of him. She then post a video of him while on the toilet because he broke a promise with his. Do Shi gets a bad haircut and Du Ri makes fun of him. Du Ri tries to spice there love life because she thinks Do Shi is bored with it. She licks Do Shi’s feet however she gets Athlete Foot fungal Infection from Do Shi’s feet. Room 610: Yeong Jun help Jin Nyeo sort her clothes. Room 709: Takuya has something stuck between his teeth and Jun Jae is afraid of telling him because it might hurt his feelings. Room 510: Seol Eun want to buy a laser hair removal device for Hwan Jong’s birthday. In reality, she wants it for herself and Hwan Jong know but allows her to buy it. He vows to take revenge and buy her engine oil on her birthday. (
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