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The Lover
Précédent  1x07 Suivant
Episode 7
Diffusé le : 21/05/2015
Room 609: Do Shi’s ex-girlfriend come to visit and tells Du Ri that Do Shi proposed to her in the past. Both of them fight and Do Shi knocks his ex-girlfriend unconscious. He tells Du Ri that she is the one for him and his ex-girlfriend is not his style anymore. Room 610: Jun Jae helps Jin Nyeo carry a rice bag and she finds him attractive. She later dreams about having sex with him. Yeong Jun finds out about the dream and is mad about it, so he farts on the elevator while Jun Jae was on it. Room 709: Takuya finds out that Jun Jae has a girlfriend. Jun Jae has a date with his girlfriend but he does not want to do and leave Takuya alone. He then bails on his girlfriend and stay with Takuya. Jun Jae finally acknowledges that he like Takuya. Room 510: Hwan Jong parks his car in front of Do Shi’s car. Do Shi keeps calling him to move his car, while Hwan Jong is having sex. When Hwan Jong arrives, Jun Jae try to breaks the fight after Do Shi starts fighting with Hwan Jong. (
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