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The Lover
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
Episode 6
Diffusé le : 14/05/2015
Room 609: Seong Gyun, Du Ri’s brother, visits and tell them he is getting married to his girlfriend who he dated for 3 month only. He keeps asking them to get married too. Du Ri brings home a lost dog until they find its owner. Du Ri and Do Shi have their friends over. Room 610: Jin Nyeo and Yeong Jun start competing and keep hitting each other. Yeong Jun accidently breaks Jin Nyeo’s teeth. Later, Yeong Jun invites his friends who keep making rude comments about Yeong Jun dating an older woman. Jin Nyeo hears them and is hurt, but Yeong Jun kicks them out. Room 709: Hae Ryung, Takuya’s friend visit and Jun Jae is jealous of her. He calls Min Jae to drink with them. Min Jae keeps hitting on her, and she leaves. Room 510: Edible underwear arrives by mail, and Seol Eun tells Hwan Jong that it is a present from her gay friend from Paris. However, Hwan Jong believe this gay friend was more than a friend when Seol Eun was living in Paris. (
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