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The Lover
Précédent  1x05 Suivant
Episode 5
Diffusé le : 07/05/2015
Room 609: Do Shi and Du Ri fight about who will take the stuff they bought together in case they ever break up. Du Ri's mother comes to visit suddenly, however she doesn't know about them living together. Do Shi tries to cook for Du Ri. Room 610: Yeong Jun has a wet dream and turns out Jin Nyeo's mother was the one in the dream. Later, Jin Nyeo's mother visits suddenly and finds Yeong Jun. Her mother asks Yeong Jun about marriage but he doesn't reply and she asks Jin Nyeo to break up. Kim Poong comes to visit and Yeong Jun gets competitive with him. Room 709: Jun Jae keeps thinking sexual thoughts about Takuya. Room 510: Hwan Jong tells Seol Eun that she will gain weight from eating junk food. (
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