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The Lover
Précédent  1x04 Suivant
Episode 4
Diffusé le : 30/04/2015
Room 609: Du Ri brings over her nephew, Sang Go, and he keeps annoying Do Shi with his questions. Do Shi decides not to sell his car because of their memories. Room 610: While getting ready Jin Nyeo did not have the time and missed up her make up. When Yeong Jun’s bandmates see her, she pretends that it is marks from Yeong Jun assaulting her. Later, Jin Nyeo dreams that Yeong Jun tries to cheat on her when she is gone to her mother’s house. Room 709: Jun Jae doesn't kiss Takuya. Later, Jun Jae keeps farting on Takuya thinking he did not notice. However when Takuya farts on Jun Jae he faints. When trying to perform mouth to mouth, Takuya smells Jun Jae’s breath and faints. Hwan Jong come to take his delivery and think Jun Jae and Takuya are having sex, however they were actually moving the furniture. Room 510: Hwan Jong’s parents comes to visit and Seol Eun tries to look good in front of his mother. Later, Hwan Jong accidently drop all of their condoms on his mother. (
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