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(Super Baloo)
Précédent  1x15 Suivant
Le Zbeugz a encore frappé
Diffusé le : 24/09/1990
After reading an article, Becky insists Baloo get checked out by a doctor to see how his health is holding up. Meanwhile, Kit is playing in the Sea Duck. While pretending he's a pilot, he accidentally breaks the Googleschlocker Gyrocompass. Fearing punishment, Kit tries to fix it on his own taking it to a Dr. Ohlmeyer. Baloo's check-up finds him in good health, but one more test is supposed to come in. When Dr. Ohlmeyer calls Higher for Hire to inform them that the 'patient's' time is up and that the googleschlocker is kaput, Becky mistakes him to be Baloo's doctor. Knowing that his last days are upon him, Baloo wants to fly into the Bermuda Trapezoid since he has nothing to lose. But when the truth is revealed, everyone must go stop Baloo before he makes the mistake that may end his life for real. (
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