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Inazuma Eleven
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La forteresse imprenable !
Diffusé le : 04/08/2010
Because of Mr. K, the match between Inazuma Japan and The Empire got pushed a day earlier. Fideo tried to help Endou and the others get to the boat that will take them to where the match will take place, Mountain Lion Inazuma Japan about to fight stadium. But an accident on the way prevent them from catching the boat on time. Having no captain or coach, Inazuma Japan will have to fight on their own. Endō and the others can do nothing but watching the match on TV. Without Endō or Kidou, Inazuma Japan pushes themselves too much to cover for their absence, causing their plays to fall apart in the process. Hiroto realizes this and pull them together. However, that wasn't enough to get pass Therese's defense. And to their surprise, The Empire changed from a defensive formation to an offensive one, quickly passes Japan's defense and gets the first goal. (
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