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Kamigami no asobi
(Kamigami no Asobi -Ludere deorum-)
Précédent  1x12
The Eternal Parting of Ways
Diffusé le : 21/06/2014
Balder awakens as the God of Destruction and the universe starts to collapse with the immensity of power. The remaining gods have their shackles broken through human acts of emotion in the midst of chaos and transform to rescue their friend. Zeus dissolves the spirit students as he attempts to use his power to keep the universe intact. Yui, wanting to help, uses the sword to absorb the knowledge and feelings contained within the chandelier's container, which is now full, and gives it to Loki. While Balder is saved, the universe is beginning to collapse despite Zeus channeling energy into it. The 8 gods make a decision to use their remaining power in returning Yui to her universe, each one thanking her for teaching them and Apollon confessing his love for her. Yui returns to her time at the exact same moment she left, and can now only look on the memories her new friends have given her. (
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