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Angels with Dirty Minds
Diffusé le : 11/12/2000
Samantha and Heather get into a slap fight after Heather appears on a magazine cover as the ""savior of Dress2K."" Chandler and Scott are enraged when their budget gets slashed in half. Heather discovers Peter's affair with Samantha. Chandler's comments about Peter's playboy past prompt Heather to suspect that the story about Maureen is phony. She pays Maureen $10,000 for the truth. She threatens to tell Samantha unless Peter has her restored as head of Dress2K. Peter convinces Jack to help him out. Jack promotes Heather, explaining that she is willing to shift funds from Dress2K to the aviation department to provide the necessary funding. Samantha quits, but Peter persuades her to come back and help him plot against Heather. Chandler and Heather discuss the possibility of a relationship. Chandler creates a stir by asking Heather to dance at a company function. Jenny pushes for a promotion for David, and freaks him out by discussing their long-term plans as a couple. Jack notices Laurie' (
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