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Secrets and Thighs
Diffusé le : 04/12/2000
Heather loses the baby. Gwen tries to provide comfort, but clashes with her after Heather remarks that the miscarriage was probably best for the family. A sobbing Heather shows up at a board meeting and convinces Jack to let her share the reins of Dress2K with Samantha. Chandler accuses her of using the loss of the baby as part of a scheme. Chandler and Heather later grieve for their child after trying to save an injured dog. Gwen is furious when Jack withdraws funding for her hotel renovations. He then tries to sell the flagship hotel, the Beverly, to Margo Dupree, the pretentious owner of a large chain. Margo backs out of the deal after Gwen throws her out of the Beverly. Jack softens and decides to inject more cash into the hotels. Peter takes Samantha to an observation point, where he watches a woman and baby. He claims that the woman was his fiancée, whom he left because Richard threatened to disinherit him. He tearfully states that this is why he cannot open up to anyone. Samanth (
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