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Précédent  4x23 Suivant
Diffusé le : 04/04/1984
Tracy and Krystle exchange angry words. As Alexis monitors all of the television news programs, Mark suggests she's waiting to see some late-breaking news-news she already knows. Blake learns Kirby has unearthed the truth about her father and is anxious to demonstrate he only lied to fulfill Joseph's wishes. As little Blake's birthday party gets underway, Krystle tells a stunned Alexis that she is expecting a baby. Alexis recovers quickly and dismisses Krystle with the fact that she's been through four pregnancies. Krystle catches the slip, and Alexis explains one pregnancy miscarried. Fallon and Jeff announce their plans to remarry. The Carringtons are stunned to hear that Rashid Ahmed has created an international incident by announcing that Blake is planning a military attack on another world power involved in the China Seas oil deal. (
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