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The Tomorrow People (1973)
Précédent  4x03 Suivant
One Law, Part 3: Which Prohibits Them Equally from Stealing Bread
Diffusé le : 11/02/1976
Mike hears the commotion, and tricks his guard into firing his gun, alerting the inspector, who releases them. John tells Mike and Burke that they cannot prosecute Dunning as it would draw attention to Mike's ability. Stephen teaches Mike how to jaunt, but Mike is still upset about Dunning, and goes to see him, offering to go into partnership with him. Stephen sees Mike getting out of Dunning's Rolls Royce, and brings him to the Lab, but he refuses to talk to the Tomorrow People, and jaunts away. However, John has planted a bugging device on the Rolls Royce. Mike arrives at the American Union bank, and opens the door, allowing Lord Dunning and Thwaites to enter. On a tip-off, Inspector Burke follows them in, and tries to arrest them, but Thwaites threatens to shoot Mike. But Mike jaunts, and the Inspector faints. Following the tracking signal, John, Stephen and Elizabeth jaunt to the vault and capture Lord Dunning and Thwaites. Mike joins the Tomorrow People. (
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