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The Tomorrow People (1973)
Précédent  2x02 Suivant
The Blue and the Green, Part 2: The Changing Picture
Diffusé le : 11/02/1974
John and Stephen jaunt into hyperspace to look for Elizabeth. When they find her she jaunts back to the classroom. Stephen and John manage to calm her down, and take her to the Lab. The next day sees Robert hand out blue and green badges; Elizabeth takes a blue one, while Stephen takes green. Chris arrives at the Lab after a fight with his brother Ginge; he tells John that the fight was due to Chris being is a Green and Ginge a Blue. John removes Chris's badge, returning him to normal. Back at school a fight breaks out in the school classroom, with even Stephen and Elizabeth taking part. That night John and Stephen return to the classroom and set up a video camera to try to record the picture changing. Meanwhile, Elizabeth passes a junk shop and sees another of the strange pictures in the window. As the picture changes, she is threatened by a group of boys. (
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