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The Tomorrow People (1973)
Précédent  2x01 Suivant
The Blue and the Green, Part 1: An Apple for the Teacher
Diffusé le : 04/02/1974
Stephen�s classmate, Robert, paints an accurate picture of Rexal 4, an alien world. Recognising it from his travels, Stephen tells John and Tim, and mentions that he thinks his teacher, Elizabeth, is breaking-out. The following day, Elizabeth witnesses Stephen in the act of jaunting home and hears him telepathically talking to John and Tim, but is convinced that it is a trick. The next day Robert's picture 4 has changed from a bright, sunny landscape to a dark and stormy picture. Investigating back at the Lab, John and Tim find similar instances of pictures that change, causing serious disturbances amongst schoolchildren. Stephen witnesses aggressive behaviour amongst his schoolmates. He takes John to meet Elizabeth, but she refuses to believe him and tries to leave, but as John jaunts in front of her to stop her, it triggers her breaking-out. She tries to run away again, but Stephen jaunts right in front of her. She panics and jaunts away, out of control. (
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