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Précédent  3x06
She's Out: Episode 6
Diffusé le : 10/04/1995
Dolly finds out that the train will only be running on the same route only once more, meaning they only have the one chance the next day. They run over the plan again and make sure that everything is ready. The following night, they set out to commit the robbery. As they are taking out the money, the carriage starts to slip down into the lake and Connie gets trapped inside. Dolly gets back inside and helps Connie out. They get back to the house and quickly clear up and hide the money. When the police turn up, they find nothing when they search. D.I. Craig later arrives with complaints about the bill for repairs on the house. Ester finds a passport and tickets in Dolly's bedroom and overhears her agreeing to make a deal for half the money, but she thinks Dolly is making a deal with the police about the robbery. (
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