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Coronation Street
Précédent  33x56 Suivant
8 May 1992
Diffusé le : 08/05/1992
Des gets drunk and feels humiliated and bitter. Steph begs him to lash out at her but he tells her that he still loves her, instead he insults Phyllis. Jim worries that business is slow. Steph leaves with her bags, to live with her new lover. Des sees her off with champagne. Alec and Liz agree to a three-month trial. She resigns from the Legion. Rita stops working at The Kabin, and Mavis takes over. The Duckworths tell Lisa that she can stay as long as she likes but she feels in the way. Drunk Des barges into the Rovers. Raquel thinks that he's come for her and hides in the back room but he only wants to apologise to Phyllis. Lisa tells Vera to face the facts; Terry is guilty and is going to be in prison for a long time. (
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