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Ladies of Letters
Précédent  2x10
Episode Ten
Diffusé le : 16/11/2010
Despite the occasional cup of marijuana tea, Irene barely controls her irritation at Vera’s bossy interventions: has she forgotten that Irene has her own house back in England, thank you very much! She will be flying back to Blighty shortly, to mastermind the catering for Karen and St John’s wedding. Brian and Lesley - her daughter - are moving in together, so Vera’s suggestion that Irene bring Lesley’s daughter Cheryl Marie with her is completely out of order! Perhaps they should both focus on the up-coming Olympics - get healthy, concentrate on team efforts. Vera is outraged and informs Irene that she is considering legal action against her for theft of her daughter’s affections and for slander. She’d also like to point out that St John is poor as a church mouse and lives in a ‘bothy’, and that she’s busy on the day of the proposed wedding. Irene -now back in England - points out that Vera’s solicitor - Agabatha of the Astarte - is almost certainly a fake, that St John’s 12 bedroomed house (where Vera is welcome to live) is called the Bothy as a joke, and that Karen is willing to change the date of the wedding so that Vera can go. Vera succumbs, and moves into The Bothy. She and Irene fall to arguing about food for the wedding reception, what they might wear, and the wisdom of Vera’s involvement with the Astarte tribe. Jesus intervenes to prevent a new falling out, and inspired by the Olympic motto -’citius, altius fortius’ - the two ladies have a rattling good time at Karen and St John’s wedding (
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