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Trial and Retribution
(Scotland Yard, crimes sur la Tamise)
(Trial & Retribution)
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Trial & Retribution XVI: Kill The King (2)
Diffusé le : 07/02/2008
The aftermath of Gary Webster’s suicide begins – a DPS enquiry, a very shaken Palmer, and a shocked but stoic Gemma, still convinced of a cover-up at the hospital. Gary wasn’t the killer; all he ever wanted was a straight answer. Adrian Lawson offers a video recording of Amber’s surgery, showing that it was purely straightforward procedure, nothing untoward. His helpful nature doesn’t convince Connor, noting that he wouldn’t have given them something that might implicate either him or the hospital. In any case, Amber died in the ICU, six hours after the surgery. To get to the truth, they need to go back to whoever was in the ICU that night. Walker is unhappy about what he sees as his team wasting their time investigating hospital negligence, when Carlisle’s killer has still not been found. However, Connor is convinced of a connection between his murder and the death of the Webster’s little girl. Connor’s hunch nags at Walker and he pays a discreet visit to Gemma Webster. Promising that the police are investigating the case fully and properly, and revealing that Carlisle was killed with a massive overdose of fentanyl, he asks her once more if she has any information she hasn’t revealed so far. Gemma says nothing. With the spotlight of suspicion now falling on Lawson, Walker questions the Lawsons again. Adrian expresses shock and surprise when told that he was being implicated in Amber’s death. Adrian’s loyalty to his former boss and mentor starts to fade as, seething, he suggests that Walker look at what Carlisle was up to that night… (
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