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Dead Ringers
Précédent  1x05 Suivant
Episode 5
Diffusé le : 16/12/2002
George W. Bush denounces North Korean plans to resurrect their nuclear program because it doesn't feature the Fonz. In "The Lord of the Rings," Gandalf, the wizard, sends Frodo on several epic quests to bring him back some milk and cigarettes, and the makers of "Harry Potter" announce their replacement for Richard Harris. Will Ozzy Osbourne be equal to the part? Meanwhile, Tony Blair has decided to fire his wife, Cherie, and split the role of political wife into three: photo opportunities (a mail box), domestic duties (former Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook), and sex (a plastic doll). Meanwhile veteran TV chef, Delia Smith, reveals a ruthless side as she launches her new series, "Who To Cook," and confesses to having killed the ingredients herself. (
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