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Still Game
Précédent  8x06 Suivant
The Fall Guy
Diffusé le : 12/04/2018
Isa's pulse is set racing as a long-lost companion returns to Craiglang from Hollywood. As Isa and Callum get reacquainted, she has to fend off stiff competition, especially from one particularly persistent gooseberry. Meanwhile, Boabby decides it's time to get a car and learn to drive - but it doesn't come easily, and he soon terrifies the life out of anyone who takes him for a lesson. Quickly running out of willing instructors, step in the dreamboat that is Callum, Isa's friend. He is a qualified driving instructor and comes to the rescue with the promise of a lesson in a local car park. Also trying to better their lot is Methadone Mick, who has enrolled in an online course that he doesn't want to reveal to anyone, for fear they'll laugh at him. The thing is, Mick doesn't have a computer under his bridge, so he relies on Isa, Jack and Victor's good will while he completes his studies. Pushed to their limits, Jack and Victor demand to know what the course is, while the answer reveals the sorry tale of Mick's father, which might go some way to explaining Mick's troubles. Later on, it's clear the romance between Isa and Callum is blossoming, but even though her husband died years ago, Isa is uneasy about the fact she still feels married, so she seeks advice on what to do for the best. Could this be a beautifully happy-ever-after ending for Isa? (
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