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The Kumars at No 42
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Christmas special 2002
Diffusé le : 29/12/2002
It's Christmas again and the family are there again. Darius is also there and really wants to sing. Ashwin says maybe later. They interviewed Trinny and Susannah first (and played charades during the interview). Sanjeev tells a little girl in the family that there is no Santa Claus and she runs off crying. The family get angry with Sanjeev. Then the interview with Mark Owen and Darius in which Sanjeev interviews both of them than the family and Trinny and Susannah vote for which one is they want to be interviewed the rest of the programme. It goes to Darius (after Sanjeev rigs the vote) but the interview ends with Ashwin's Christmas quiz. Then the family (and Darius) force Sanjeev to tell the girl there is a Santa by dressing up as Santa. Then Darius finishes with an acoustic cover of Slade's So here it is, Merry Christmas. (
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