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The Cops
 0x01 Suivant
Remembering... The Cops
Diffusé le : 19/06/2024
In 1998, the BBC unveiled its latest look at the world of crime and policing, a new series called The Cops. Set in an unnamed northern town, it was gritty, hard-hitting and uncompromising, capturing a world where the line between criminal and crime-fighter is thin as well as blue. Here, two members of that cast, Katy Cavanagh-Jupe and John Henshaw, look back on their experiences on the show – Katy on her role as party-loving new recruit Mel, and John on his time as Roy, the hard-faced old-timer who likes helping justice along with a clip around the ear. Together, Katy and John discuss the joys of improvisation for an actor, the personal touches they brought to their characters and the pride that came with being part of a show that won instant acclaim from critics and audiences alike. (
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