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Kenny Everett Television Show
(The Kenny Everett Television Show)
Précédent  1x01 Suivant
Show 1
Diffusé le : 25/02/1982
Sketches Include: Joan of Arc - bonfire cigar. Marcel Wave - French and English language differences. British politics (with Cleo Rocos). Construction Workers - einstein (with Terry Wogan). Politician - imports. Indian Guru - Who am I? (with William Rushton). American Loo-seat Lifter. Abraham Lincoln, what really happened - is it over yet? Dungeon Prisoner - silly cow (with Lionel Blair). Gizzard Puke - naughty little boy. Cupid - abattoir massacre. Celebrity Guest Time - Bill Wyman. Egyptian tomb - engaged sarcophagus. Bill Wyman Female Impersonator (with Cleo Rocos). Subway Train - drunken punk (with Billy Connolly). Spiderman - Fart Cut! Almost Changed the Course of History - Hitler's boots. Spiderman - Undone Flies. Indian Guru - life is an orange (with William Rushton). Couple in Bed - Is there someone else? Marcel Wave - standing up, sitting down, three legs joke. Dungeon - no confession? (with John Junkin). The Queen and Prince Philip - labour exchange (with Simon Cadell). Couple in Bed - I love you too (with William Rushton). Politician - compromise. Cupid - 2001 2 End of the show - You, audience (
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