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Kenny Everett Television Show
(The Kenny Everett Television Show)
Précédent  0x08 Suivant
Christmas Special - 1981
Diffusé le : 24/12/1981
Sketches Include: Kenny buried by ITV and dug up by the BBC. BBC Doors (with Terry Wogan). Gizzard Puke - jewish santa. BBC Boardroom. Two Old Ladies (with Billy Connolly). Politician - public media. Cupid - cannes film festival. Designer Jeans (with Bob Geldof). BBC Shopping List. Kenny meets Sting. Dentist Magician. Gizzard Puke - starting handle. Dentist Magician 2. Cupid - burt reynolds. Scots Ice Cream sketch (with Billy Connolly and David Frost). Buster Keaton Homage by Barney Shamrock. Photo Booth (with Bob Geldof). Shoot the Dog. Arab Ice Cream sketch (with Billy Connolly and David Frost). (
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