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Précédent  4x02 Suivant
Sacrifice to Science
Diffusé le : 18/07/1998
Ros is still missing, although now the others know that she is not actually dead. Ros decides to ring Beckett and ask him to meet her, and Beckett quickly rushes to where she is. They meet on a bridge and Beckett is demanding an explanation, but Ros is too upset to give an answer. they go to see the others (Terry, Chris and Morag) who voice their opinions on Bureau 2 becoming involved; they don't like it one bit, especially Terry, who ideally wants to pick up where he and Ros left off, but he realises that that is never going to happen, because Ros is together with Beckett. However, because Beckett's Jeep had a bug on it the people trying to stop Ros and Terry find out where they are, and Chris and Morag are killed. Then they decide to blow up the base where Ros, Terry and Beckett are. They presume they are dead, but they managed to escape just in time. Beckett and Ros are walking in the hospital garden together and Beckett asks for an explanation. Ros tells him exactly what happened t (
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