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Holby City
Précédent  5x12 Suivant
Sins of the Father
Diffusé le : 26/12/2002
Tom Campbell-Gore's parents turn up at Holby, and his father is pushed into watching one of his sons operations. A pair of lungs become availible but can only go to one of two brothers, the sickest of which is given the chance, he however will not accept, and passes the opportunity to his brother. This is all due to the brother's father liking the younger and (slightly) healthier brother. The changover takes too long and the organs are taken to another hospital. In a fit of rage Tom damages the theatre and blames his problems on his father. Terry Fox and Kath Shaughnessy have to get married in hospital as Terry is too ill To go to the Registry Office. Ric Griffin also has to tell terry that he only has weeks to live. (
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