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Précédent  5x05 Suivant
Diffusé le : 24/10/1999
A woman representing Australian mining interests arrives in BallyK looking for a ""man called Quigley"". If Brian can prove his relationship to another Quigley from BallyK, who owned an Australian gold mine in 1854, he stands to earn half a million Australian dollars. Brian's attempts to prove his relationship with jack Quigley are ambushed several times by bad luck until he eventually uncovers the evidence. But there are doubts about the genuineness of the Australian offer. Orla unexpectedly invites a man onto Conor's boat. She claims that he is a writer for a fishing guide, and a favourable review in the book will give Conor's business the boost it needs. But, if he is an expert, why doe he not use the correct bait? Is it just part of an elaborate cover-up to keep his true reason for being on board hidden? Imelda arrives to help Niamh, but her criticisms and barbed comments are too much to bear, and there is a frank exchange of views. (
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