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Moving Out
Diffusé le : 17/10/1999
Niamh has decided that she must move away from BallyK. The decision spurs Brian to sell Fitzgerald's. Two parties are interested. One is a retired civil servant from Dublin, who is looking for an investment. He manages to annoy Brian by talking about getting the pub ""up to scratch"". The second party is Oonagh Dooley, who is more interested in keeping the family atmosphere of the pub. Brian takes a liking to Oonagh, but he doesn't realise that she is the wife of his former enemy, Paul Dooley. When the deal with the civil servant falls through, Brian makes Oonagh and offer to rent the pub, leaving Niamh with some control. Emma and Sean fall out over driving lessons and Sean's and Niamh's relationship. Emma feels that Sean should be doing something. Niamh is grateful that Aidan has given her the freedom to make up her own mind. (
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