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War & Peace
(War and Peace)
Précédent  1x19 Suivant
The Road to Life
Diffusé le : 01/02/1973
At Yaroslavl, Natasha and Maria are still mourning the death of Andrei. Maria suggests that Natasha should come with her to Moscow, but she declines. When news reaches the Rostovs that Petya is dead, the Countess is inconsolable. Pierre returns to his house in Moscow and both Gerasim and Katishe are surprised to see him having thought he was dead Katishe tells him that Helene has died. Pierre attends a soiree given by the Drubetskoys and amazes everyone with his presence. Vasili Kuragin, who has now lost both of his children, is particularly moved by seeing him again. Pierre visits Maria Bolkonskya and is surprised to find Natasha there too. Natasha talks of Andrei for the first time since his death.... (
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