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War & Peace
(War and Peace)
Précédent  1x16 Suivant
Two Meetings
Diffusé le : 11/01/1973
Andrei wakes and remembers his time in a field hospital immediately after the battle of Borodino and the fate of Anatole Kuragin. He wishes that he could see Natasha again as he realizes how much she must have suffered. The Countess is still certain that Natasha should not be told that Andrei is with them before they move on. Nikolai is enjoying himself in Voronezh and is paying a great deal of attention to a married woman called Katerina Petrovna. Nadia Galenkova, an old friend of the Countess, advises Nikolai to be careful over Katerina and, when she learns of his interest in Princess Maria Bolkonskya, ask him if he would like her to arrange a meeting. Nikolai is hesitant due to his pledge to Sonya but feels that fate is drawing him towards Maria. Nadia is convinced that Sonya will release Nikolai.... (
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