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War & Peace
(War and Peace)
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Fortunes of War
Diffusé le : 14/12/1972
As Napoleon's army advances towards Moscow, Pierre, Count Rostov and Petya attend a meeting at which Governor-General Rostopchin reads a proclamation from the Tsar. It states that the Russian army is ready to sacrifice all in defense of the country, but that he needs the financial support of rich merchants and the nobility. Pierre promises to equip a thousand men, while Petya is desperate to join up. The Tsar himself arrives and thanks those gathered for their support. Andrei sends a letter to Bald Hills warning that the advancing French army is close to the estate. The old Prince dismisses his son's advice, but Maria and Mademoiselle Bourienne begin to make plans to depart. Soon after, the Prince has a seizure while arguing with Maria and they all leave for Bogucharovo. Once there, Maria finds herself in danger when the peasants on the estate refuse to let her leave.... (
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