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War & Peace
(War and Peace)
Précédent  1x04 Suivant
A Letter and Two Proposals
Diffusé le : 19/10/1972
The Russian army has fallen back to Austerlitz. A letter containing the news that Nikolai has both been wounded and made an officer reaches the Rostov household. Matchmaking again, Vasili Kuragin is considering Pierre Bezuhov as a suitable prospect for his beautiful, but brainless, daughter Helene. He is also still pursuing a possible match between Princess Maria Bolkonskya and his son Anatole, and to that end makes a trip to Bald Hills with him. Maria is keen to marry and becomes anxious about her appearance as her companion Mademoiselle Bourienne helps her to get ready. Meanwhile, Pierre senses that he will find himself married to Helene whether he likes it or not.... (
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