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Hamish Macbeth
Précédent  3x03 Suivant
The Lochdubh Assassin
Diffusé le : 30/03/1997
A gang of ruthless villains descends on Lochdubh, hot on the heels of young tearaway Frankie Bryce and his Aunty Jean, Isobel's best friend in Glasgow. Isobel brings them to Lachie Junior's funeral parlour where Lachie is happy to shelter them - especially once he claps eyes on Jean. Hamish, however, has a big problem. He knows Tam Flood and his henchmen are dangerous, but he can do nothing until they do something. Ignoring Hamish's warnings, TV John takes pre-emptive action, the villagers close ranks, and the old local legend of Wee MacPhee raises its ugly head. (
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